MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) plates, Russian name – DVP plates (wood -fiber slabs). Are exclusively environmentally friendly material, in their production, the use of synthetic binding substances, such as phenol or epoxy resin. The process of manufacturing plates is extremely simple, under high pressure, and with a very high temperature, small wood sawdust is pressed, almost dust, and when heated wood, lignin is always released and binds a small fraction of sawdust. Then the pressed plate is impregnated with refractory and moisture repellent components and sawn into a given size. Today, MDF plates, very popular building material, it is used in the production of wall panels, a great need for internal finishing work, is indispensable in the production of reusable containers and cabinet furniture, is attractive in the manufacture of various trading equipment. Even musical instruments are made from MDF. MDF cars are used in the manufacture of internal cladding. There is practically no industry industry where it is not used. MDF. High popularity is due to the fact that in its technological characteristics, MDF is somewhat better than a tree, and the appearance is no worse, and the cost is lower by 50-60%, the cost of a natural array. Like a tree, it is perfectly processed, the material is durable, perfectly holds accessories, has good sound insulation. Easily lends itself to lamination and veneer coating. Moderately flammable, group B2 according to GOST 30402-96, and moderate-minded-group G2 according to GOST 30244-94. MDF has a good surface, since the quality of the material is closely monitored and controlled by the entire technological process. Therefore, it is so widely used in furniture production, and since it does not have harmful fumes, it is also used in the manufacture of children’s furniture. Increased moisture resistance of MDF allows you to use it as indispensable material in the manufacture of bath furniture, and fire resistance, furniture for the kitchen. So if you started changing the appearance of your apartment, office or cafe without MDF you can not do, its use will bring tangible savings.