Home Style What to wear with a short skirt and fashion trends

What to wear with a short skirt and fashion trends

by marusia

The short skirt came into fashion more than 200 years ago. Initially, it was used only as clothing for cycling in the warm season; in everyday life it was impossible to meet a woman in such a skirt.

However, the original style, as well as convenience and practicality, have led to the fact that in our time the short skirt has gained incredible popularity among both naughty girls and business women, and even among ladies of respectable age.

From the front, a short skirt is no different from an ordinary skirt, and only from the back can you understand that these are shorts. This model is perfect for girls who prefer to wear minis, but are afraid of getting into an awkward situation, as happens in public transport, on stairs with gaps, and the like.

Today, short skirts come in a huge variety. They can be mini, to mid-thigh and even just below the knee. The belt of such skirts can be classic, with an elastic band, with a high or low waist. A short skirt can have folds and darts, pockets, a wrap, drapery and other decorative elements. Particularly interesting are models with pockets at the back. Short skirts are made from different fabrics, depending on the time of year for which they are intended. Summer models are made of light fabrics of various colors and patterns – chintz, silk, satin and others, models for cold weather are made of dense fabrics, usually plain or with a modest pattern (check, stripe) – wool, jacquard, suiting fabric.

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