Column foundation
The columnar foundation is considered the cheapest option for the construction of rather large buildings. For example, if the foundation is quite deeply deepened, then it can be more than 5 times cheaper than a strip foundation. Experts especially recommend using them in heaving soils. Most often, this type of foundation is installed under buildings with light walls, as well as under the buildings under which the presence of basement or garage premises is necessary. This foundation consists of pillars that can be wooden, brick, concrete, stone or reinforced concrete. As a rule, each pillar is located from
Column foundation
another at a distance of 1.5-2.5 meters from each other. Mandatory places of installation of the pillars are the corners of the houses and all the places of intersection of the walls. The thing is that these places are increased load. Pillars are located at Earth level and can form basements. A significant drawback of such a foundation is the difficulty of clogging pillars.