From very old times, it seems to be an ordinary and familiar attribute of life, the door, endowed with magical power. The door is some kind of symbol of the transition from the world of premises to the world surrounding. The world around us is associated with danger, anger, cold, while a warm, pleasant and prosperous atmosphere is favored in a person’s house. The door plays the role of the gap between these two worlds. Now people choose the front door carefully studying the door catalog.
Today, a person has no need to believe in a variety of legends, but everyone wants to feel protected. The door is an element for which people consider their house their fortress.
The door, in other words, can be called a symbol of safety, and only then it is considered an attribute of the interior. Throughout history, the doors have come a rather big way. It is difficult to imagine the door of a primitive person, but she performed a protective function exactly, even for so long. In the Middle Ages, the door performed not just a protective function, but we can say a super -protection!
Nowadays, the choice of the door product is based more on the aesthetic function and the financial capabilities of the acquiring person than on a protective.