Home Holidays How to fight pests on phloxes and roses properly

How to fight pests on phloxes and roses properly

by ladynews

I would call perennial phloxes and roses the most moody in the garden. The former are easily affected by powdery mildew, and many summer residents make a mistake, cutting down the sick plants and throwing them out (or even worse – sending them to a compost pile). Before cutting down the “patients”, they must be treated after flowering with agents against powdery mildew (pour leaves and stems with a solution of copper sulfate from the watering room: 1 t. l. for 10 liters of water).

In three days, you can already cut. In the spring, yet flowers, plants that were painful last year, with powdery mildew, should be treated with a 1%burgundy mixture or colloidal gray (50 g per 6 liters of water). As for roses, they loves aphids and spider mites very much. From aphids, you can treat the plant with a commander (2 ml per 8 liters of water) – spray the rose solution at any time, even at the time of budding and flowering.

If the aphids after a while appear again, repeat the procedure.


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