Any connoisseur of a good bathhouse is well aware that the adoption of bath procedures in the Memorial depends on which the oven will be located in the bathhouse. In this regard, during the construction and further equipment of the steam room, special attention will be necessary to pay precisely the furnaces. Some try to lay out such a stove on their own, while the bulk of people do not want to solve problems arising from this, and buys finished equipment. And this is quite justified, since the gas stoves presented in the modern market for the bath quite meet all the necessary requirements, and are available in the form of options different in appearance and design. Such stoves decorate saunas and baths, and as a rule do not imply water supply to the fireplace. They are able to quickly warm up to the required values of the steam room, but if you want to warm up the walls, then you will need about four hours, and in winter – even more. Yourself that it will be more pleasant to visit a bath heated by one hundred percent, since it will be so warmly to bring the maximum benefit to a person’s health, and will contribute to the restoration of your forces. At the same time, one cannot fail to note a wide variety of bath furnaces, and the assortment includes wood, electric and gas -driving models of such furnaces, and it is the latter that are the most popular. The reason for this is the versatility of such a furnace, since it can work both on firewood and from a gas source. This condition is especially relevant for owners of small steam rooms, which are located on the personal plots. And if you are equipped with a gas stove in your bathhouse, this significantly reduces your physical costs, and you will not have to make any special efforts if you want to accept bath procedures. Gas stove is safe during operation and environmentally friendly model. She will be able to quite easily warm both a steam room and a dressing room, and all the other rooms of the bath, while creating the conditions as comfortable for you, including the water temperature and the presence of steam. You can use a gas -driving stove both in a regular Russian and Finnish bath, and therefore if you consider yourself a real fan of the bath, then you should definitely pay attention to such models of furnaces that will help you realize all your requirements regarding the adoption of bath procedures.