Home The beauty A decrease in demand for suburban lease continued

A decrease in demand for suburban lease continued

by ladynews

A decrease in demand for suburban lease continued

A decrease in demand for suburban lease continued

With the beginning of autumn, analysts noted a decrease in demand in the suburban real estate market of the Moscow Region by 2.5%.

Demand for cottages fell at the end of July by 32%, experts say. By another 2.5%, this indicator decreased in August. The reduction in demand will last until the end of October and is explained by the end of the summer season.

In September, cottages remote from the Moscow Ring Road from 10 to 20 km were maximum popularity. In price, the most popular were cottages worth $ 1,0000.

At the beginning of the month, objects in the price range from 17 thousand to 1.5 million rubles were presented on the market. The most affordable cottage with remoteness from MKAD to 10 km cost 30 thousand rubles a month, in the range-10-19 kilometers-17 thousand. rubles, 30-49 kilometers –24 thousand. rubles, and the cheapest cottage remote from the Moscow Ring Road over 50 kilometers is offered for 25 thousand rubles.


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