Home The beauty DIY sewage system

DIY sewage system

by ladynews

The development of human society led us to understand the limitation and exhaustion of all resources on planet Earth and, as a result, recognition of serious problems of ecology. In this regard, every year experts, trying to save all of us from the environmental disaster, come up with more and more new ways to solve this problem, including environmental pollution from human activities.

Currently, even such a device as sewage, carries a lot of negative aspects that adversely affect both the soil fertile layer and underground waters. This is especially manifested in private houses. That is why, when building a sewage system, you certainly need to know about the latest technologies that allow you to reduce or nullify all pollution from emissions and waste of the drainage pit. Consider in more detail the algorithm of useful actions.

Types of sewage

Accumulative sewage system

If you decide to build a sewer yourself without resorting to the help of professionals, then the easiest way to do this is using the drive. It is a special container for collecting all sewer drains. This is the cheapest and common device for such purposes. It does not require special knowledge and skills and just in terms of installation. The only minus is the frequent filling and cleaning by the Assenizer machine, which is not the most convenient and costly factor for the owner of the house.

On average, the drive must be cleaned every two to three months. Used exclusively in the summer. In winter, unfortunately, the operation of this container is impossible. In general, if you conducted a water supply system in the country, then this type of sewer is best suited.

A septic tank for the house

A more complicated design option is a septic tank – this is a container consisting of several chambers equipped for wastewater. Septic installation is also somewhat more complicated. It is best to bury it near the house and connect the pipes. In this device, all waste of human life is subjected to special mechanical effects, thanks to which anaerobic fermentation occurs and cleansing the total mass of somewhere around fifty percent. Then all this mass enters the next section – a filtration well or on the underground filter field. The last element consists of sand and crushed stone, cleansing the dirty drains of the sewer. After that, water, purified and does not contain dangerous substances, goes into the ground.

With an independent installation of a septic tank and its use, it is necessary to take into account the minimum permissible volume of water, which should be three times exceed the daily flow rate of the family. This will avoid its overflow and, as a result, environmental pollution. For calculation, you can take an average daily norm per person equal to 200 liters.

Septics are distinguished depending on the material of the container:




Most often, they buy plastic ones, because they are cheaper, convenient in handling, have relatively small weight, are not defeated by corrosion and are resistant to various temperature differences. This group also has disadvantages. In the spring, when the water level increases significantly during the flood, the entire mechanism of the plastic septic tank can be upstairs. It is for this that after installing such a lightweight unit on top, cover it with a concrete slab.

Sewage created using a septic tank, universal in all respects. It can be used in any region and under any conditions. The exception is only clay soils and areas with a high water level. But there, operation is quite possible if you create additional protective devices.

Deep cleaning

The most difficult device for sewage is deep biological wastewater treatment. It is the most expensive and at the same time the most environmentally friendly cleaning system that allows you to withdraw 99 percent of all pollution.

The choice remains for you. However, a careful attitude to the world around the world and care for the environmental situation in our country should still be in terms of moral education in each place in the first place. After all, the future of children and grandchildren depends on this, their health and life.

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