Home The beauty DSP: how to saw it?

DSP: how to saw it?

by ladynews

Even a person who has nothing to do with furniture or construction, imagines what the chipboard looks like. And to those who at least once came across the manufacture of corps furniture to order or cladding of their own home, the concept of chipboard is known for thoroughly. Such a service as the chipboard sawed the price of which varies depending on the speed of work and their complexity, has long become widespread. But how exactly the chipboard is cut and whether it is possible to do it yourself?

Features of chipboard

First of all, you need to understand what this material is. Chipboard-wood-cutting plate. It is made, as the name implies, from wood chips, which is glued with artificial resin. Thanks to this method of production of chipboard, it turns out to be easy and not amenable to drying out. However, there are also disadvantages: chipboard is easily destroyed with careless mechanical exposure. That is why the cut of this material should be done carefully.

Although nevertheless the biggest problem with the cut will not be the fragility of chipboard, but the formation of a large amount of fine dust. In the workshops, this garbage does not bring special troubles, but at home it will be necessary to prepare in advance, remove all the things that are difficult to wipe from dust, cover the working surface.

Types of sawing chipboard

There are three main types of cuts of chipboard:

Straightforward when you need to make a rectangular shape.  

Curvilinear. Used if you need to make complex figures of irregular shape.  

Mixed. Combines 2 previous types.

Regardless of whether the kitchens are made to order or are produced slabs for cladding, special equipment is used in the production of cutting, and to cut the chipboard at home, you will need a saw with sharp teeth, adhesive tape and preferably a file. The teeth of the saw should be small, and the angle of inclination to the surface of the sheet is maximum. The edges of the cut are marked with tape, and after the sheet is cut, its edges must be treated with a file – then they will turn out smooth, and the details of the cut are ready for use.

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