Home The beauty Individual sewage system. Detailed construction instructions

Individual sewage system. Detailed construction instructions

by ladynews

The benefits of civilization: water supply, sewage, central heating – all of them have not yet reached all the needy consumers. First of all, this applies to the inhabitants of small villages, again built -up territories, and not every private sector of a large city boasts the presence of a developed network of communications. Although the situation is not too catastrophic. By a little reflection and putting your hands, you can equip the sewer yourself.

Individual sewage system

Choosing a place for a drain hole

Choosing a place for a hermetic or filtration drainage pit, we are guided by sanitary standards: thirty meters from a drinking well, five to eight meters from the red line, one and a half meters from the border of the site and many other conditions. In each case, its requirements. The pit should be free travel. For an average family consisting of three or four people, five meters of cubic.

The device of the pit

We start the device of the drain pit with a pit, which takes into account the diameter of the well plus the drainage layer around the entire perimeter. If the drain is made sealed from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements (accumulative) with regular pumping out, filtering sumps can not be provided. The depth of the well is four meters – these are three meter rings, as well as the floor slab, plus the neck and the observation hatch. If a scheme with natural filtration is selected, then the design is a little more complicated. Two or three wells are installed, connected by overflow pipes. The first are drives with the colonies of processing bacteria, the latter is filtration. Viewing covers (hatches) are closed from children. Recently, sewer systems with artificial bio -cleaning wastewater have been increasingly installed. Such a high -tech approach is much more effective for the dense development of the private sector – this is the perfect option.

Cleaning wastewords

A complex system of complete wastewater cleaning is not a whim, but a vital necessity. Over time, much faster than you assume, the drains will reach the aquifers, in which case you will have to filter drinking water.

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