Home The beauty Renting an apartment in Germany is getting more expensive

Renting an apartment in Germany is getting more expensive

by ladynews

Renting an apartment in Germany is getting more expensive

Renting an apartment in Germany is getting more expensive

The Germans are trying to refuse to rent apartments, acquiring their own living space. This is primarily due to rising housing rental prices.

According to the authoritative portal for the sale of real estate Immobilienscout24, the most expensive rental of apartments in Munich, where on average, you need to pay 11.7 euros for one square meter of rented housing without additional costs. Frankfurt with an average price of 10.5 euros goes after Munich followed by Munich.

In total, in Germany, the average cost is 5.6 euros per square meter.

The share of tenants for housing (without payment for heating) is constant and on average is 22.5 percent of the income. For single people and pensioners, this load is much more. So, in 2010, every third family of pensioners spent more than a third of their income on housing, and single parents – depending on the number of children – from a quarter to one third of the income.


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