Home The beauty Seamless pipe (BS)

Seamless pipe (BS)

by ladynews

Seamless pipes (BS) are needed where strength and reliability are required. Pipes of this type are used in the oil industry, mechanical engineering, aviation.

Seamless pipes are made according to a special rental technology, which allows pipes without spiral or longitudinal seams that do not prevent fluid or gas passage.

Seamless pipes are hot -rolled (hot -formed) and cold -rolled (cold -deformed).

Hot -rolled pipes are made by rolling in hot condition. The material in hot state is subjected to minor mechanical deformations.

Cold -deformed pipes without a seam after rolling in a hot state are subjected to additional rolling in a cold state. This method allows you to make a product with greater accuracy, so cold -rolled seamless pipes are used in areas where the quality and accuracy of the material is important.

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