Home The beauty Trees and shrubs: you can’t do without a bush

Trees and shrubs: you can’t do without a bush

by ladynews

Some 150 years ago, gardeners and gardeners cost a scythe, saw, ax and a secondary room, and now the arsenal of lovers of landscape design includes a great many tools and devices. Not the last place among the modern garden tools are occupied.

What kind of instrument is this, why is it needed, why it appeared right now? Gardeners, like all of us, are subject to fashion trends, and fashion is now dictated by the need to plant a hedge in order to ensure privacy or to camouflage a fence from, say, corrugated board. In addition, if you give this very hedge a complex geometric shape, it will look very impressive. However, in the absence of a bush, a good result is almost unattainable. The secateur cuts off only one branch and does not allow to work on the planes. Garden scissors with long blades are a little better, but they require patience and skills, and also capture a relatively small area. Toli business bush.

Even the summer residents of the darnes, persistently resisting the influence of fashion and not planting decorative shrubs and hedges, still acquire a bureau, because fruit trees need to be cut in any case. Kustorez will help to fulfill this task easily, quickly and efficiently.

Small bushreases are used for curly haircuts and to trim the lawn grass in the corners, where the lawn mowers are passed. A large tool with a blade length of more than 60 cm, will help to cope with the trimming of tall and wide plants. It is important for the gardener to choose the right option for itself, comparing the technical characteristics of the proposed models and the conditions in which he intends to use the tool.

Very often competent gardeners opt for Bosch products. Currently, Bosch is a group of companies with an annual sales volume of 11.45 billion euros (in 2014). And it all started in 1886, when German engineer and entrepreneur Robert Bosch founded Robert Bosch GmbH. Today Bosch . The leading manufacturer of household appliances in Europe and one of the main players in this sector on a global scale. Garden technique in general and coils in particular occupy a prominent place in the company’s product nomenclature.

Bosch bushes are cord (work from the network) and battery. Each species has its pros and cons of. If the device works from the network, then the range of its use is limited by the length of the cord. In addition, the cord can be accidentally damaged by the same bureau. Nevertheless, cord instruments have their constant fans. And not in vain, because such devices are very easy to use and maintain.

The distance between the cloves of the blade is from 16 to 34 mm. Experts always pay attention to this parameter. The distance of 30 mm or more provides greater productivity of the bush cutter, but less processing accuracy. Such units are suitable for high and wide hedges.

If you need to form shrubs and trees that will be at the eye level, you should opt for products with a distance between the teeth of 16-26 mm. The power of the cord coins ranges in the range from 420 to 700 watts, and the speed of the course without load is 3400 revolutions per minute. Such artishes can cope with a shoot up to 5 cm in diameter, their weight does not exceed 4 kg (the most powerful cord bush weighs 3.9 kg, the easiest, respectively, 2.6 kg). They are ergonomic and relatively inexpensive.

But the battery tool is not tied to the outlet, but it has lower performance and it works for no more than 70 minutes in a row, then it is necessary to charge. True, now the manufacturer can offer to purchase two batteries. The ego is convenient while the bushores work with one, the other is charged.

Bosch equips its products with new lithium-ion batteries. This type of batteries has many advantages: a large container, high specific power, self-discharge of only 2.5% per month, unlike almost 20% of predecessors, nickel-cadmium and nickel-metallogid batteries.

In battery forces, the distance between the cloves is 15 mm. They are very convenient if you need to ensure the jewelry accuracy of pruning the hedge. Such black cutters are not for large open spaces and significant volumes, they are more suitable for subtle and delicate operations.

If you are still in doubt, let me tell you this. Independent British magazine Which?, dedicated to reviews and ratings of consumer goods, conducted a comparative analysis of bassores of different manufacturers. Subjects of the coatorezes were supposed to cope with the pruning of hedges from thuja and juniper, noble laurel and turquoil. Bosch bushes took first place in two nominations: the care of a high and wide hedge and an artistic haircut. Who, like not the British, knows a lot about both hedges and in an artistic haircut, because it was they who became the ancestors of this form of organization of garden and park space! And since experts from foggy Albion choose Bosch, apparently this is not without reason.

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