Home The beauty Wallpapers made of fiberglass. Metal wallpaper

Wallpapers made of fiberglass. Metal wallpaper

by ladynews

Wallpapers made of fiberglass. Metal wallpaper

Glass wallpaper and metal wallpapers – the tendency of our dynamic time. More recently, unchanged materials in the design of bathrooms and shower rooms were ceramic tiles and siding. At one point, everything has changed. I wanted lightness and practicality. Invented fiberglass.

The composition of glass wallpaper includes a fiberglass impregnated with a special solution. They are made of natural materials and therefore environmentally. In addition, they do not mold, do not burn, can be subjected to all types of cleaning and an unlimited number of times be painted. Before gluing glass wallpaper, the surface is specially prepared. It is only primed, after which a special glue is applied. After applying glue, the wallpaper is immediately glued to the surface.

Metal wallpaper is made by applying a special foil on porous paper. Then the surface is painted and subjected to embossing. Drawings and patterns are obtained. Glass wallpaper and metal wallpaper are widely used in kitchens and in the design of bathrooms. However, a special collection of fabrics has been developed for metal wallpapers. With its help, you can arrange other rooms.

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