Home The beauty What materials can be built from

What materials can be built from

by ladynews

Many developers are preoccupied with the question of which building materials to use during work. The current low -rise construction uses too wide a variety of building materials for the construction of wall structures. Once a year, the latest building materials are noticed. Among this abundance, it is worth highlighting a few varieties that are used most often for long years and aroused trust among developers.

Any of these varieties has its own advantages and imperfections.

It so happened that the most durable and reliable is brick. With these conclusions, it is quite possible to agree. But it has one small flaw: too high cost. Some savings can be achieved if you use well masonry or hollow brick. It should be remembered that the brick walls are of good thermal conductivity.

A alternative to brickwork is considered to masonry from aerated concrete blocks. They have the lowest thermal conductivity. Walls from blocks are much simpler brick, actually saves on the systems of the base of the house. The construction of the walls from them allows you to save time during installation. It is important to consider that their strengths are actually lower and build a wall with a height of more than 2 floors, of which it is not recommended. The exterior of the walls from the beam is very unattractive, as a result of which they have to be faced.

From the woods, the walls are considered the most rapidly vegetable. Having no qualifications, it is possible to do this work. From the outside the walls are also subject to cladding. The imperfection of the wall of the beam is a shrinkage equal to 7 percent. To avoid this problem, the use of a glued beam can help, although it is somewhat more expensive.

The walls of the walls are not expensive and affordable, when using conventional felled logs. Escalled logs are a little more expensive. It is worth noting that the quality of the log house will be dependent not only on the properties of wood, but to a greater extent on the skill and qualification of the carpenter, which will put it. Without the help of others, put a log house without any skill is not so easy. Logs also need to be given time for shrinkage

The most not difficult of all varieties are the frame walls. You can save time for installation and financial resources for acquisition. For construction work, workers with the highest qualification performed using the frame technology of the house are not needed. It is enough that 1 person has an idea of ​​the method of frame-construction work in the brigade. It is worth significantly carefully approaching hydraulic – and vapor barrier work when filling the walls of the walls. Otherwise, they lose their main advantage: very low thermal conductivity with a small thickness.

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