The location of the well in the site must comply with the accepted sanitary standards.
The well should be placed on the site in an easily accessible place, but it is better to agree with the neighbors in advance its location.
The distance from the house to the well should be at least 5 m, t. To. there will be intensive leaching of sand inside the well. In this case, the foundation of the house may be damaged – the foundation may be a void.
It is not recommended to dig wells on the slopes of ravines or coast of rivers, in which case they will begin to drain groundwater.
Find out the presence of water and the depth of its occurrence in the place where you decided to dig a well in various ways.
Quite accurately determine the depth of the soil water is allowed by the wells in the district wells and open water bodies. If they are next to the site you have chosen, then there is enough vaniterpas’s readings, if the distance is quite significantly, a barometer-anoroid or level will come in handy. The price of dividing the barometer scale is 0, 1 mm, which is similar to the difference in height of one meter, so if the barometer at the Earth level shows the pressure of 746, 8 mm, and at the point where you want to drip the well, 746, 2 mm , then 746, 8-746, 2 = 0, 6 mm, therefore, you will have to dig a mine 6 m deeper.
Exploratory drilling is a very laborious, but also the most reliable way to search for water.
There are also “grandfathers” methods – with the help of two electrodes bent in the form of the letter “g”, with the help of frames made from willow twigs, to mark the abundance of dew on the site, etc. D. – However, these methods are ineffective and almost do not promise that having built a well, relying on the result obtained by this method, you will find water.
Today, water search is increasingly conducted using geophysical methods, seismic, electrical and neutron intelligence. The aerometheh is recognized as effective – the search for the location of groundwater by photographs of the terrain. In arid time, when everything has dried around, the presence of plentiful vegetation shows the place of the close location of groundwater. This is a geobotanic method of searching for waters. In recent years, this principle has been used in space exploration of water. This method has a great future, t. To. Cosmic hydrogeology allows you to examine even inaccessible places.
Time from June to September is most favorable for the construction of a well. The aquifer at this time lies deeply, you will not interfere during the earthwork of the water of the upper layers, they can be accidentally confused with the aquifer, which will run out in the future, you will have to further deepen the well of the well.
After the spring flood, you should wait about a month before the construction of the well.