Home Travel Landing of perennial plants

Landing of perennial plants

by ladynews

Perennial flowers grow in one place and retain decorativeness for several years. They can be root, tuberous and bulbous, and each needs a certain approach, each requires compliance with their own landing and care regime. Some onions (gladioli, crocosmia, monombreign), as well as tuber (dahlias) do not tolerate frosts, so they are dug up and transferred to special storages in the fall, and in the spring they are planted again.

Root perennials (peony, astilbe, phlox, lily of the valley, lupine, rudbeckia) winter in open ground. In spring, root perennials are planted with division. This can be done in the summer, but the separated bushes take root worse.

Pion is planted closer to the fall – in the second half of August, and the catnip, lavender, all types of autumn astrah, autumn windmill – in the spring. Tulip bulbs are planted in the middle – end of September. Some experts recommend digging tulips onions for the winter, since it is likely that during the flood they will go deep into the ground and will not germinate in the spring.

To avoid this, use special plastic baskets, which, together with the bulbs, are deepened into the soil. In this case, the bulbs can not dig up 3-4 years.

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