Home Style How to choose a useful and comfortable shower cabin

How to choose a useful and comfortable shower cabin

by ladynews

Shower cabins now compete with the usual manual shower zones. Nevertheless, if the buyer needs a functional shower, then it is cheaper and easier to get a cabin. In addition, the cabin is useful where the repair is already completed, and people do not want to rebuild the floors for the construction of a shower tray.

The plumbing market is ready to offer the buyer thousands of different options for showers. And online stores are filled with an increasing number of filters every day, so that in this mass of options, the buyer could quickly choose the right model. Thanks to filters, you can choose the cab according to the exact parameters of sizes, guarantees, style, type, installation, orientation, roof, pallet, materials, wall design, flowers, neck massage, overall massage, side massage, Turkish bath, sauna, shower, shower, shower, shower therapy, seats, phone, radio, backlight, etc.P.

The shower cabin is chosen in four stages: (in shape and dimensions, according to the pallet, by type of door, according to the complex of functions).

1 step.

The dimensions and shape of the shower cabin are the first choice parameters, because, without taking into account this parameter, you can buy a design that will not fit into your bathroom or will look inappropriate or occupying a place irrationally. Classic showers – symmetric. Corners with two equal sides also belong to the classical type.

Nastymmetric showers are not rare today, but while for some rooms they are perfect, in other rooms they will spend an extra place.

When choosing the dimensions of the shower cabin, do not forget to take into account the total height of the cab and, most importantly, to check whether it is the height of the shower cabin with the pallet and the roof or the height is indicated without taking into account the height of these elements of the cabin. With suspended ceilings in the bathroom, not every shower cabin will be able to fit in it.

2 step.

The pallets of the shower cabin can be made of different materials, they can have different heights, a different type of depression and possess (or not have) the anti-slip function. As a rule, most pallets are made of acrylic, but many similar pallets first of all and break in the shower cabin. Alternatives to acrylic: steel, cast iron, ceramics, stone. If you have chosen an acrylic pallet (most of the available cabins are equipped with this type of pallet) Take care of it carefully, try not to drop heavy objects, shoes, shampoos and other things on the tray.

You can dial water in a high pallet, unlike a low pallet. A tall pallet is often bought for bathing children (children like to splash in the pallet), but older people to overcome a high pallet is hard.

3 step.

Cabin doors can swing or move apart. You open some doors yourself manually, and in a number of cabs you can press the door opening button. Winging doors require a place in the bathroom.

Almost always doors in a shower cabin are made of glass or transparent plastic. The design can be with a pattern, tinted or matte. If you want to wash in the shower, but do not close the door to the bathroom, then it is better to choose darkened glass.

4 Step.

The choice of a shower cabin according to its functions is carried out at the last stage of the selection of the cabin. And here, too, you should adhere to a certain order. Firstly, you need to choose the most comfortable type of shower watering can for you, and only then choose something else.

There are functions that are useful for shower procedures, but there are simply bonus -type functions. For example, a steam generator can improve the bath procedure as such, but radio or star backlighting is a pleasant bonus that will not affect the direct process of taking a shower too much.

Some bonus functions will greatly affect the convenience of using the cab, for example, the presence of a sufficient number of shelves. Because if the shelves are not enough, then shampoos and bottles are on the pallet, and this is not very convenient.

Some showers are equipped with aromatherapy functions or hydromassage. Sometimes there are a lot of functions in one cabin, but the cabs of this type affordable in price are usually produced in China, so all functions can quickly break.

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