When repairing an apartment, there is often a need for redevelopment of premises. To make this decision on the layout, a lot depends on the supporting structural scheme, as well as the bearing capacity of the ceiling and location of engineering networks (sewage, water supply). The greatest distribution in the practice of repairs has found the application of redevelopment by replacing, transferring and arranging partitions. Such a redevelopment does not require significant labor -intensive preparatory work for itself, and is easy to perform. The technology of the installation of partitions and structural solutions carried out during the reconstruction and repair of buildings are similar to the methods and methods adopted during the new construction, with some small exceptions. Everything will depend on the bearing capacity of an existing building, there may be some constructive solutions, as well as the operating conditions of these rooms.
The most common species of partitions are designs from the following materials:
– wooden or plastic;
– brick;
– from glass blocks;
– Stone materials (slag block, hollow brick, gas -worshiping blocks, etc.).