Home Travel Thermal insulation of wooden windows

Thermal insulation of wooden windows

by ladynews

Thermal insulation of wood windows is a beautiful alternative to acquisition and, accordingly, the installation of brand new plastic sets. Saving funds and time is obvious! If you are used to the appearance of your window systems and, in addition, do not want radical changes at all, in this case, our material is intended for you. Read our publication, choose the best method of thermal insulation of woods from wood.

We will consider in a row some of the most famous technologies for eliminating drafts, everywhere used for wood windows.

Method number 1. Paper for pasting window systems

The generally accepted technology for processing window systems – representatives of the older generation are reliably familiar with this option. The monetary benefit is not in doubt, since you only need newspapers (very preferably already read), paper strips for gluing window systems (rolled type material sold in an arbitrary store of building materials), ordinary household soap.

Moisten the newspaper with water, very tightly twist the sheets of the newspaper in “Sausages”. Push the material into the gaps between the frames, filling all some space.

Measure a strip of paper of the desired size (in height or width of the window), and also grate it with a piece of soap, which is moistened in water.

Press the paper strip of the soap side to the frame. Eliminate the emerging air bubbles – otherwise they are the cause of the exfoliation of the material.

Pickle a strip with a rag rather carefully.

Keep in mind that calling this method incomparable is quite difficult enough. The frames are sealed for the period of autumn-winter cold, and this means that in the spring season you have to hardly tear off the paper, which steadfastly leaves non-nationive traces on the frames. Meanwhile, the frames can, in principle, lose a rather attractive appearance, therefore, the minute savings causes the danger of tangible expenses later.

Method No. 2. Fabric strips

The use of swearing strips for gluing window systems is not so noticeably not to such a “traumatic” for the framework of thermal insulation option. The role of the heat insulator, usually, are foam rubber, cotton wool or ordinary linen cords.

The technology of work is largely similar to the “paper” method:

Fill the gaps between the frames the heat insulator.

Moisten the cloth strips of enough soap with a solution of soap.

Glue the gaps with strips with stripes, eliminate air from under the fabric.

Flog stripes do not damage the surface of the frames during dismantling, which is a tangible advantage compared to the paper method of embarrassing gaps. True, the problem of tightness will remain unchanged – if on a frosty winter day you want fresh air, you have to remove full isolation, and after this is re -processing the window.

Method No. 3. Tubular profiles

Another comprehensive thermal insulation technique, which does not require you to invest tangible means. You will need an ordinary sealing gasket, which is also called a tubular profile.

According to the material, sealing materials are divided into:




polyethylene foam;


Arbitrary from profiles in its turn it happens:

self -adhesive;

requiring glue.

Of course, self -adhesive heat insulators are much more very convenient to install, but they do not provide more reliability with their own hands of glued models. To work with profiles without an adhesive base, use silicon sealing composition.

When choosing an option suitable for the window, now now attach it to one of the sides of the frame. It should be noted that similar sealing materials are very reliably strengthened exclusively at temperatures no lower than +10?C, accordingly, try to have time to carry out thermal insulating work before the onset of cold weather.

The advantages of the thermal insulation of the windows from wood by the method of strengthening the tubular profiles are obvious – if necessary, at each moment you can open, as well as cover the window, providing the room with a decent ventilation. However, the life of such a system is not excessively long-after 5-6 years of use, the protection of your window systems will again need to update. Yes, and the outer charity of the window trimmed in this way, the high quality of thermal insulation can hardly meet the most picky requirements.

Method No. 4. Sealing materials in the frames

The most expensive, however, urgently quite reliable, as well as an aesthetic method of thermal insulation of wood windows. Thermal insulation technology consists in cutting rather thin grooves directly in the frames and, accordingly, filling the hollow material from foam, foamed polyethylene, polychlorvinyl or synthetic polyurethane.

The process of thermal insulation is quite painstaking and, in addition, will require significant attention, therefore it is preferable not to take the risk of their windows, as well as trust this procedure to qualified professionals. If, in spite of anything you want to carry out work with your own hands, get acquainted with our instructions.

Remote windows from loops.

Sprinkle rather thin grooves around the entire perimeter of frames.

Install sealing material in grooves. To do this, you do not need to apply diverse adhesives, usually the sealing material is kept into the incisions thanks to specialized thickening (“fastener”).

Smell with a sealant based on silicone areas of junction of glass to sulfur.

In the end, process all the places of immovable joints, which can serve as a source of draft.

The wing material installed in the window sash provides your rooms with protection against street cold weather, remaining invisible to an external eye. The window frames do not lose freedom of movement to any extent – you will never have problems with the ventilation of the room in your life.

The life of this insulation can reach twenty years. Keep in mind that the sealing material needs a very accurate handling, it does not make painting at all.


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