Home Style Wooden furniture to order in Moscow: what to ask for manufacturers about

Wooden furniture to order in Moscow: what to ask for manufacturers about

by ladynews

Many people want to order wooden furniture according to individual parameters, but not everyone knows specifically what exactly he wants to get as a finished result. And even if a person knows what he wants, he is not always able to explain it to the one who will fulfill the order. Catalogs of finished furniture greatly simplify the purchase, because most customers are easier to choose than to compose a technical task for the manufacturer. Our article will allow you to more accurately and clearly explain your thoughts regarding the desired furniture to the masters from whom you want to order it in Moscow (or any other large city).

Why is it worth ordering individual furniture?

Furniture made on an individual order is an affordable luxury. Furniture of this type can cost expensive, but only on condition that it is made of high -quality materials, the price of which is initially high. If the furniture is made from available materials, then the price of the per is not available. With furniture from catalogs, this rule, as a rule, does not work: manufacturers set prices for finished furniture in accordance with many parameters (some of which have nothing to do with the characteristics of the raw materials used), and it turns out that some types of goods from cheap lumber are so many how much furniture does not cost from expensive array.

Making furniture for your standards, you can adapt its size so that they exactly meet the needs of the space of the room. You can also choose the type of wood, combine breeds, order personalized accessories, arrange furniture artistically, etc.D.

Designers and author’s furniture

You may notice that wooden furniture to order in Moscow is a service that companies of completely different types provide. Some offer fully customizable furniture (from zero or author’s furniture), but most manufacturers work with designers’ systems (combining the set of elements in the furniture element). Both the method has its advantages and disadvantages, but keep in mind that if the company offers author’s furniture, but you are more likely to get the most unique item for its interior. In addition, firms that take up the design of furniture from scratch can work with non -standard orders, for example, integrating antique boxes from the old chest of drawers into a completely new cabinet or using a rare mirror in a new furniture item, etc.D.

How to order furniture if you cannot explain what exactly you want?

Start small. You can show the photo manager and, using the example of the finished option, explain what you need. You can also show the manager a photo of your room or the furniture you have, and ask to create a piece of furniture combined with your interior or set.

Furniture manufacturers always have a catalog of ready -made options or a catalog of finished work that can be used as the source material for your order.

Most people buy furniture to order, simply to configure the sizes and colors of the furniture, which was previously produced in the workshop, but you can change a significantly larger number of elements if you work with a company specializing in author’s furniture. Manufacturers working with designers offer basic furniture tuning in several parameters, but not completely individually designed furniture.

Any manufacturer of furniture works with a limited number of basic materials (nut, maple, cherry, oak, etc.D.), but it can order something unique for you (although you will most likely have to pay extra for this). About the materials with which the furniture manufacturer works, you can usually read on its website: in a separate catalog, not only wood of wood and types of blanks, but also the MDF or DDSP brand should be listed, if they are used in addition to the array. In addition, be sure to read information about accessories, textiles, mirrors, veneer, countertops. If there is no this information on the manufacturer’s website, it can most likely be obtained in the sales office (most often in this case, buyers are introduced to the samples live).

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