Home Society Ceiling finishing in a wooden house

Ceiling finishing in a wooden house

by ladynews

Wooden houses began to gain popularity again. And thanks to the abundance of a wide variety of materials, one can embody their most daring ideas, which a few years ago seemed simply impossible from a technical point of view. If we talk about log houses, then often the walls here try to leave it unchanged, and the skin applies only to the ceiling and gender. Naturally, the decoration should not contrast with the general concept of the whole house. So, how is it worth it to finish the ceiling?


This option is the most suitable, since it perfectly combines wooden components of the interior with the ceiling. Traditional ceiling sheathing is carried out by lining. The popularity of the lining is in no way affected by the opinions of designers that it is outdated. On the contrary, the material is best suited for finishing work in a wooden room. In addition, the lining is environmentally friendly material, so it is still actively used in construction. With its help, wall lining is carried out, which once again proves its versatility.

A standard lining is a special board with a groove and a shopunt. There is also a European version of a model that differs only in the design of the lock. The house treated using the lining does not make noise. One of the most valuable properties of a tree is that the surface can breathe.

Ceiling panels

If you have enough money, then you can pay attention to panels from an array or veneer. What is the uniqueness of the presented material? The ceiling from such panels looks very expensive, it seems that the ceiling is sheathed with panels from a real wooden array. The option of using natural materials is quite expensive, and such panels serve as a kind of alternative solution.

Agree that a log house with such a ceiling will look just great! If you own some basics of laying panels, you can do this work yourself. Due to the fact that the panels have a connection in the form of a lock, the finish should not take too much time. But the result will cost it!

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