Home Society How to make a closet with your own hands?

How to make a closet with your own hands?

by ladynews

Today, cabinets in any variations can be bought in stores. But there is not always an opportunity for this, as well as a large number of various materials on sale for many gives a desire to turn on imagination, make skill and make a closet on their own. If there is a desire, then everything will work out.

Preparatory stage

So, the entire production of the cabinet can be divided into stages: preparation, manufacture, and for built -in furniture – and installation. Before the design of the design, decide on the location of the future invention. Based on this, we calculate its size. This concept means the width and height of the cabinet, the distance between the shelves and their number.

Necessary tool






DIY cabinet making

Let’s make a drawing. We break the cabinet into parts of which it will consist. By the way, if there are doubts about your drawing talents, today you can use special computer programs for this (BASSIS-METRECHER, AUTOCAD).

After preparing the drawing, we proceed to the sawing of the parts. Here, too, if you doubt your own abilities, then you can order a cut of specialists. The problem for some also is that the sawing machine for chipboard is not cheap, and buying it for the production of one unit of furniture is impractical. And with independent use for cutting the jigsaw, chips can be obtained. Therefore, when buying chipboard, you can order the sawing right right on the spot.

So the details are ready. We will decide on the fittings, the choice of which depends on what type of opening of the doors you want to install. Today, opportunities are almost unlimited. Doors can open up and down, and traditionally to the sides, and move (wardrobe system).

If the apartment is not even ceilings and floor, then gaps will appear between the cabinet doors. This problem is solved. Everything can be adjusted on simple doors with canopies, on the cabinets by a compartment of the height of the wheels.

Having counted the number of boxes, shelves and cabinet doors, we determine the number of rivets for them (this is necessary to assemble the walls of the walls), the holders of the shelves, we will also determine the sizes of the chipboard edge.

How to assemble a closet with your own hands

Symmetrically drill holes for the compormators. With a screwdriver, collect the frame of the cabinet for compormators. Now we will collect the back wall of the cabinet. You can cut out, for example, a sheet from an organ, or take them a few (if there is no other opportunity) and connect. The joint of the sheets in this case is located on a horizontal bar.

It is worth saying that when sawing the organ, the difficulty often arises from the fact that a sawn piece begins to hang out, while it is impossible to hold with a hand – both are busy. Some use stationery paper clamps for convenience, putting them at the beginning of the cut.

When they are collected on glue (it is better to take PVA) vertical racks with crossbars, you can put the Orlit (or the plast of chipboard) on the back of the frame of the frame. For convenience, you can also tighten the frame with belts and screw it to the racks and crossbars orlit with screws-samores.

If saving is important with your hand -handed production, then for these purposes to finish the rear wall you can use self -adhesive (this applies to those who suggest open shelves in their work, in other versions this is nothing – when closed doors, the back wall will not be seen ).

Having fixed the back wall, you can proceed to the manufacture of sidewalls. Each shelf has two walls on the sides. Each of them needs to cut such a size that she then has the opportunity to tightly enter the grooves of horizontal crossbars on the sides, also into the grooves of vertical racks.

Of course, in non -factory conditions it is very difficult to withstand the size. Therefore, for each shelf, you can determine the size of the side walls at the place, after the spikes of the horizontal side crossbars to the grooves of vertical racks, and so that they sit tightly in the right places.

Now you can start collecting the side walls first. We need this in order to finally make sure that all sizes of the side crossbars are calculated correctly. And only when one side wall of the cabinet is collected first, and correctly, you can finally collect.

In places for boxes and shelves with particular accuracy, we make markings for guide boxes and commanders. Then we drill holes along it and fasten the commanders and guides.

The final stage

We fasten the doors. If their system is ordinary, then with canopies, and if the doors are a compartment, then we fasten the guides.

Now we convert the appearance of the assembled cabinet. While at the seams of the plates of our cabinet there is not enough edge. To do this, take an iron and towel. Gently put the edge to the chipboard and glue it through the towel with an iron. Cut the extra edge with a knife. At the end we put on the plugs on the compormators. You can call loved ones – accept the work, assembly and installation of the cabinet completed!

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